- 3000 Scoundrels v1
- 7 Ronin v1
- 7 Wonders v1.2
The full list of games in the Codex. More are always being added!
The list of updates by date is here.
- Abomination: The Heir of Frankenstein v1
- The Adventurers: The Temple of Chac v2
- Aeon Trespass: Odyssey v2.3
- Age of Conan: The Strategy Board Game v3.2
- Agricola v1.5
- Alien: Fate of the Nostromo v1
- Alien Frontiers v1.1
- Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps v2.2
- Android v1.3
- Android: Netrunner v2.1
- Ankh: Gods of Egypt v1.1
- Archaeology: The Card Game v1.1
- Arkham Horror v7.5
- Arkham Horror: The Card Game v1
- Armada v1.2
- Armoured Clash v1
- Arrakis: Dawn of the Fremen v1
- Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood of Venice v2
- AT-43 v2.4
- Atlantis Rising (Second Edition) v2
- Ave Caesar v1
- A War of Whispers v1.1
- Aztlán v1
- Babel v2.4
- Back to the Future: Back in Time v1.1
- Batman: Gotham City Chronicles v1.2
- The Battle of Five Armies v1.4
- BattleLore 2nd Edition v2
- Battlestar Galactica v4.4
- Betrayal at House on the Hill v4.2
- Big Trouble in Little China v1.2
- Black Orchestra v1
- Blood Rage v1.2
- The Bloody Inn v1
- Brass: Birmingham v1.2
- Cadwallon: City of Thieves v2
- Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game v1.7
- Catacombs v3.1
- Catan v1.1
- Catan Card Game v2.1
- Cave Troll v1
- Chaos in the Old World v2.1
- Circadians: Chaos Order v1.1
- Circadians: First Light v1
- Citadels v2
- City of Horror v1.2
- Clash of Cultures (Monumental Edition) v1
- Claustrophobia 1643 v1.3
- Cleopatra and the Society of Architects v1
- Colosseum v1.4
- Conan v1.8
- Confrontation: The Age of the Rag’narok v1.4
- Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings v3
- Core Space v2
- Cosmic Encounter v1.2
- Cry Havoc v1
- Cthulhu: Death May Die v1.2
- Cthulhu Wars v2
- Cyclades v5
- Dark Moon v2
- Deadline v1
- Dead of Winter v1.2
- Deadzone 3rd Edition v1.4
- Destinies v1.1
- Diamant v1
- Doctor Who: Nemesis v1
- Dogs of War v1.1
- Doom: The Board Game (2016) v1
- The Drowned Earth v1
- Dune (2019) v1.2
- Dune: A Game of Conquest and Diplomacy v1
- Dune: Imperium v3
- Dune: War For Arrakis v1
- Castle Ravenloft Board Game v1
- Dungeonquest (3rd Edition) v1.2
- Dust 1947 v1.1
- Dystopian Wars v3.1
- Earth Reborn v2.9
- Eldritch Horror v5.6
- Etherfields v1
- The Everrain v1.3
- Fallout v3
- Fire & Axe: A Viking Saga v1.2
- Firefight v2
- Firefly: The Game v5
- Fireteam Zero v1.1
- Flip Ships v1
- Folklore: the Affliction v1.1
- Forbidden Stars v1.1
- Fortune and Glory v2
- Fury of Dracula (Third Edition) v1.5
- Gaia Project v1
- A Game of Thrones: The Board Game v2
- A Game of Thrones: The Card Game Second Edition v1.2
- Gears of War v1
- Gloom v2.3
- Gloomhaven v1.1
- The Great Wall v1
- The Grizzled: Armistice Edition v1
- Guillotine v1
- Halo: Flashpoint v1
- Hannibal & Hamilcar v2
- Hellboy: The Board Game v1.3
- Heroscape v1.3
- Horrified v1
- Horus Heresy (Revised Edition) v1
- Hunt for the Ring v1.2
- Icaion v1
- Iliad v1.1
- Imperium v1
- Infiltration v1
- Inis v2.2
- The Initiative v1
- Inkognito v1
- ISS Vanguard v2
- Jaws v1
- Joan of Arc v2.5
- K2 v1.1
- Kemet: Blood and Sand v1
- Knight Fall v1
- Last Aurora v1
- Letter of Marque v1
- The Lord of the Rings v1
- The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth v1.2
- The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game v2
- The Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation v2
- Lords of Waterdeep v2.3
- Lost Cities v1.1
- Mansions of Madness (2nd Edition) v1
- Masters of the Night v1
- Middle-Earth Quest v1.3
- Mission: Red Planet (Second Edition) v1.2
- Moonstone v1
- My Father’s Work v1
- Mysterium v1
- Mysthea v1
- Mythic Battles: Pantheon v2.1
- Nemesis v2.5
- Nemesis: Lockdown v1.7
- Ninjato v1.3
- Oathsworn: Into the Deepwood v1.3
- Okko: Chronicles v2.2
- The Others: 7 Sins v1
- Pan Am v1.1
- Pandemic (2nd Edition) v3
- Pathfinder: Level 20 v1
- Project: ELITE v2
- Puerto Rico v2
- Raiders of Scythia v1
- Reichbusters: Projekt Vril v3.1
- Return to Dark Tower v2
- Rising Sun v1.2
- Risk: Star Wars Edition v1.1
- Rune Age v2.1
- Runebound (3rd Edition) v1.1
- Runewars v3.4
- Saboteur v1.1
- Scythe v2.4
- Sedition Wars: Battle for Alabaster (2nd Edition) v4.1
- Shadows of Brimstone v1.2
- Shadows of Kilforth v1.1
- Sleeping Gods v1.2
- Small World v3
- Sniper Elite v1
- Solomon Kane v1
- Space Alert v1
- Space Hulk (3rd/4th Edition) v1.3
- Space Hulk Death Angel: The Card Game v1.1
- Spartacus v4.1
- Starcraft: The Board Game v3.3
- Star Trek: Ascendancy v4.1
- Star Trek: Away Missions v1
- Star Wars: Armada v1.1
- Star Wars: The Card Game v1.2
- Star Wars: Imperial Assault v2
- Star Wars: Outer Rim v2
- Star Wars: Rebellion v2.5
- Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game v2.3
- Steamwatchers v1.1
- Stronghold (2nd Edition) v1.2
- A Study in Emerald (1st edition) v2
- Summoner Wars v1.2
- Super Fantasy Brawl v1
- Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon v2
- Tales of the Arabian Nights v1.2
- Talisman v2.1
- Tannhäuser (2nd edition) v3
- Terraforming Mars v1
- The Thing: The Boardgame v2.9
- This War of Mine v1
- Through the Desert v1
- Thunder & Lightning v1.2
- Thunder Road: Vendetta 1
- Ticket to Ride v1.1
- Tokaido v1.1
- A Touch of Evil: The Supernatural Game v3.2
- Treasure Island v2
- Twilight Imperium (4th Edition) v1
- Tyrants of the Underdark v1
- Undaunted: Normandy v1
- Undaunted: North Africa v1
- Vagrantsong v1
- Voices In My Head v1
- V-Sabotage v2
- Warhammer 40,000: Conquest v1
- Warhammer 40,000: Heroes of Black Reach v1.1
- War of the Ring (2nd Edition) v6
- War of the Ring: The Card Game v1.1
- Waste Knights (2nd Edition) v1
- Western Legends v2.2
- Wildlands v2.1
- Wild West Exodus v1
- Wingspan v1
- Wise Guys v1
- The Witcher: Old World v1
- Wiz-War v2.1
- The World of SMOG: Rise of Moloch v1.4
- World of Tanks Miniatures Game v1
- Wrath of Kings v2.2